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Wednesday, 10. April 2013. 10:22

Meeting of the members of the Committee on European Integration with the Speaker of the Parliament of Iceland, H.E. Ms. Áste Jóhannesdóttir held

The importance of cooperation of two parliaments in the area of European integration emphasized  .

As part og the official visit of the Speaker of the Parliament of Iceland Ms. Áste Jóhannesdóttir to Montenegro, meeting with the members of the Committee on International Relations was held. 

Member of the Committee Ms. Nada Drobnjak, mentioning the connection of Iceland and Montenegro regarding European perspective of two states, presented activities of the Parliament in this area, namely the responsibilities of the newly-formed Committee on European Integration in view of control role and oversight of the negotiations flow with the European Union. Emphasizing the importance of continuous communication of two legislative bodies, Ms. Drobnjak highlighted the importance of the experience of Iceland for Montenegrin European integration process.

The Speaker of the Parliament of Iceland Ms. Áste Jóhannesdóttir, speaking about the importance of establishing close inter parliamentary cooperation of small countries, at the level of president of the parliaments, MPs and employees, expressed readiness of her country to offer assistance to Montenegro on its further path of integration into European family of nations.

Promotion of tourism capacities of Montenegro and possibility of connecting small countries through mutual activities in different social, politics and economic fields were discussed at the meeting. Besides tourism, more intensive cooperation between the two countries in the fields of science, culture and sports. Was emphasized.

The continuation of cooperation of two parliaments through more frequent meetings with the aim of exchange of experience and successful EU integration was agreed at the meeting.

Apart from the Speaker of the Parliament of Iceland, the meeting was attended by non-residential Ambassador of Iceland in Montenegro, H. E. Gunnar Snorri Gunnarsson.