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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 11. April 2014. 18:55

Committee on European Integration to hold a public debate on the topic “Negotiation Chapter 2 - Freedom of movement for workers and 28 - Consumer and health protection”

The public debate will be held on 14 April 2014, in hotel “Podgorica”, starting at 10:00 a.m.

Recognising the importance of involving the civil sector in the field of European integration, which aims to increase the level of transparency of the negotiation process, the Committee – in line with the 2014 Work Plan - is continuing to promote this process by organising public debates.  

In Montenegro’s legislation, the field of consumer and health protection is regulated by the following laws: Law on General Product Safety; Law on Obligatory Relations; Law on Consumer Protection; Law on Domestic Trade; Law on Tourism; Law on Consumer Loans; Law on Health Care; Law on Health Insurance; Law on Restriction of the Usage of Tobacco Products; Excise Law; Law on Protection of Population against Communicable Diseases; Law on Providing Blood; Law on Removal and Transplantation of Human Organs for Therapeutic Purposes; Law on Removal and Transplantation of Human Organs for Therapeutic Purposes; Law on Infertility Treatment with Assisted Reproductive Technologies; Law on Protection and Exercise of the Rights of the Mentally Ill; Law on the Prevention of Drug Abuse; Law on Market Inspection; Law on Inspection Control; Law on Electronic Commerce; Law on Electronic Communications; Law on Electronic Media; Law on Energy; Law on Technical Requirements for Products and Conformity Assessment of Products; Law on Standardisation; Law on Meteorology; Law on Accreditation; Food Safety Law; Law on Obligations and Basic Legal Property Relations in Air Transport; Law on Contractual Relations in Railway Transport; Law on Local Self-Government; Law on Local Self-Government; Law on Emergency Medical Services; Law on Patients' Rights; Law on Data Collections in the Field of Health Care; Law on Health Inspection; Law on ratification of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control with Annexes; Law on Fees for Access to Certain Services of General Interest and for the Use of Tobacco Products and Electro-Acoustic and Acoustic Devices; Law on Asylum; Law on Domestic Violence Protection; Law on Public Peace and Order; Law on Road Traffic Safety; Labour Law; Law on Protection from the Non-Ionising Radiation; Law on Safety at Work; Law on Ski Resorts; Law on Road Traffic Safety.

In Montenegro’s legislation, the field of freedom of movement for workers is regulated by the following laws: Law on Employment and Work of Foreigners, Law on Foreigners; Labour Law; Pension and Disability Insurance Law; Voluntary Pension Funds Law; Law on Employment and Exercising Rights with respect to Unemployment Insurance; Law on Civil Servants and State Employees; Law on Mandatory Social Security Contributions; General Law on Education; Law on Health Care; Law on Health Insurance; Law on Social and Child Welfare; Law on Unified Registration and the System of Reporting on Calculation and Collection of Taxes and Contributions; Law on Protection of Citizens of Montenegro Working Abroad;

We use the occasion to invite all interested citizens to participate in the event and become familiar with the content of the said chapters, and to contribute to the process of accession to the European Union by their suggestions.

It is necessary to send applications for participation to the mail address: or by contact telephone: 020 221 575, no later than Friday, 11 April 2014.