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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 24. October 2014. 19:42

Annual coordination meeting of representatives of the European Parliament and national correspondents of the parliaments of the Western Balkans and Turkey

Annual coordination meeting of representatives of the European Parliament and national correspondents of the parliaments of Western Balkans and Turkey will be held in Bar on Tuesday 28th October 2014. 

Participants of the meeting will evaluate the Pre-accession Assistance Programme of the European Parliament to the parliaments of the Western Balkans and Turkey for 2014, and exchange opinions on the priority tasks and topics for 2015.

In addition to representatives of the European Parliament, the meeting will be attended by correspondents of national parliaments of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey and Montenegro, as well as a representative of Regional Secretariat for Parliamentary Cooperation in South-East Europe (RSPC SEE).