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Thursday, 17. January 2013. 10:42

Meeting of the members of the Committee on European integration with the Deputy Director General for Enlargement in the European Commission, Mr. Jost Korte

The importance of active role of the Parliament in the negotiation process with the European Union was emphasized.

The meeting of the members of the Committee on European integration of the Parliament of Montenegro with Mr. Jost Korte was held as part of his official visit to Montenegro.

Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Slaven Radunović, acquainted the distinguished guests and members of the European Commission with competences of the recently established Committee on European integration, as well as with planned activities related to monitoring and overseeing of the negotiating process. He emphasized that it was necessary to adopt, as soon as possible, the document that would define relations between the Parliament and the Government of Montenegro, regarding exchange of information on negotiating process.
Referring to the activities from the previous year, Mr. Korte praised the achieved results of Montenegro, emphasizing that 2012, regarding the enlargement process, would be recognized by starting negotiations with Montenegro. Mr. Korte said that screening was in progress, that started with the most demanding chapters 23 and 24, and that he expected the process to be ended by the mid-year with drafting of action plans.

Emphasizing the importance of the Parliament in the negotiation process, Mr. Korte pointed out to the need of more active including of the legislative body in the negotiation process.
Commenting on the interest of the MPs for IPA funds, the Head of Political Sector of the European Union Delegation in Podgorica, Mr. Andrew List, stressed the importance of good, quality projects and strong management system in Montenegro, characterizing the available funds as investment, so that these funds can attract other investors.