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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 05. March 2013. 10:49

Meeting of the members of the Committee on European Integration with the MP of the German Bundestag, Mr. Manuel Sarrazin

Importance of the transparency of the negotiating process emphasized.

During his official visit to Montenegro, the MP of the German Bundestag from the Alliance 90/Green party, Mr. Manuel Sarrazin, met with members of the Committee on European Integration.
The Chairman of the Committee on European Integration, Mr. Slaven Radunović, introduced the guest with the recent changes in the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro that will bring about stronger supervisory role of the legislative authority, through establishing the Anti-Corruption Committee and the Committee on European Integration. Mr. Radunović presented the negotiating structure and the negotiations flow so far, emphasizing that positioning of the Committee will be finished with the adoption of the document that will define the cooperation between the Parliament and the Government in the process of European Integration. He pointed out that the work plan of the Committee on European Integration for 2013 envisages a significant activity in the part of the public information on the nature of the European integration process and the dynamics of the adoption of European standards through further process of joining the European family of nations.
MP Mr. Manuel Sarrazin said that the aim of his visit was closer exploring of the political and social situation in Montenegro, the role of the Parliament in the process of European integration, but also the pace of implementing reforms. Referring to the decision of the Bundestag to support the opening of negotiations with Montenegro, the MP said the government expects many challenges on the further European path, and that it was necessary to pay special attention to the increase in efficiency and strengthening the independence of the judiciary.
It was mutually assessed that the process of European Integration should be even more transparent, and that the Parliament of Montenegro had the special role in acquainting the public with the negotiations flow and reforms being conducted according the European agenda.
The meeting was also attended by the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, H.E. Mr. Pius Fischer.