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Tuesday, 19. February 2013. 10:48

Third Meeting of the Committee on European Integration ended

Positive opinion on the Draft of negotiation position for the Chapter 26 – Education and Culture delivered, and the Work Plan for the Committee for 2013 adopted.

Members of the Committee on European Integration considered the Draft of negotiation position for the Chapter 26 – Education and Culture, getting acquainted with the previous dynamics of the work of the Working Group, as well as with planned activities regarding the date of opening the Chapter 26 at Intergovernmental Conference on the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union.

The Draft of negotiation position was presented by Mr. Anđelko Lojpur, Professor, member of the Negotiation Group for negotiations on accessing of Montenegro to the European Union, responsible for the Chapter 26, as well as by Ms. Mubera Kurpejović, Deputy Minister for Education and Sports for Higher Education, i.e. the Head of the Working Group for preparing negotiations for accessing of Montenegro to the European Union for the field of the EU acquis, related to the Chapter 26.

The importance of transparency of the negotiation process between Montenegro and the European Union was stressed at the meeting, as well as the involvement of the Parliament in that process. In addition, it was pointed out to the need of defining the role of the Committee on European Integration, i.e. cooperation of the Parliament of Montenegro with the Government in the issues treating the negotiation process.

The Committee unanimously delivered positive opinion on the Draft of negotiation position for the negotiation Chapter 26 – Education and Culture, and it will inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration,

At the meeting, after short discussion, the Work Plan for the Committee for 2013, composed of four parts – Monitoring of the negotiation process, Oversight role, International activities and Promotion of the process of European integration in the Montenegrin public, was adopted.