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Wednesday, 27. March 2013. 11:43

Meeting of Members of the Committee on European Integration with Experts of SIGMA Program

Competences and work of the Committee on European Integration were considered, as well as possibilities for enhancing administrative and professional capacities of the Parliament of Montenegro, in particular regarding the experts with necessary specialized knowledge in the field of the EU law .

Members of the Committee on European Integration met today with experts of SIGMA Program, Mr. Klaus Goetz and Mr. Juhan Lepassaar and representative of the Program Mr. Klas Klaas. 

Opinions on the work of the Parliament of Montenegro and on the coordination of European integration were exchanged at the meeting. 

SIGMA experts expressed interest for the functioning of the Parliament of Montenegro, with special emphasis on parliamentary working bodies, their organization, conditions and professional service. As experts for capacities of the parliament and for European integration structures, they discussed possibilities of further enhancing the work of the Parliament, paying special attention to the functioning of the Committee on European Integration.  

Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Slaven Radunović met the experts with the situation and competencies of the newly formed Committee on European Integration, as well as with the control role, legislative competencies and manner of checking the harmonization of national legislation with the EU law in the Parliament of Montenegro. In this regard, Chairman explained specific situation of the Committee which still had no clearly defined relation with the Government in the process of negotiation with the EU and informed the guests with recently formed Working Group engaged in drafting the documents in the form of Resolution, which would contribute to enhancing the work of the Committee. Chairman expressed the pleasure over the visit of eminent experts and emphasized the importance Montenegro had from this type of support. 

The visit of SIGMA experts to Montenegro represented the part of activities on preparation of analytic study on the process of creating public policies in Montenegro, which would be presented in analytic report in late June of this year.

In addition to the Chairman Radunović, the meeting was attended by the members of the Committee: Mr. Predrag Sekulić PhD, Ms. Nada Drobnjak, Mr. Jovan Martinović, Mr. Zoran Srzentić PhD and Mr. Genci Nimanbegu.