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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 17. June 2013. 15:56

Fifth meeting of the Committee on European Integration held

The 31st quarterly report on total activities within the EU Stabilisation and Association Process was considered and the course of the negotiation process on Montenegro’s accession to the EU so far was presented.

The state secretary for European integration and chief negotiator for Montenegro-EU accession negotiations, Ambassador Aleksandar Andrija Pejović presented the 31st quarterly report on the total activities within the EU Stabilisation and Association Process to the members of the Committee on European Integration, at their meeting held today.  

The course of the negotiation process on Montenegro’s accession to the EU so far was also presented at the meeting.

It is stated in the report that, with regard to implementation of commitments from the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, the representatives of the European Commission pointed out the measurable progress of Montenegro in the area of harmonisation of legislation with the EU regulations, thus encouraging further efforts of Montenegro to continue with started reforms and implementation of adopted legislation. Special attention was focused on successful leading of political dialogue between Montenegro and the European Union.

The Committee members expressed special interest with regard to consideration of action plans of the Government for chapters 23 and 24. The Committee members’ attention was also caught with regard to discussions on the activities of the Working Group which was formed with the aim to create Draft Resolution defining the role of the Parliament in the European integration process, which would enable the Committee itself to have stronger competencies with regard to the total negotiation process.

It was agreed at the meeting to have the above mentioned issues as soon as possible on the agenda in one of the following meetings.