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Friday, 27. February 2015. 16:12

Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms to hold a public debate titled “The Rights of the Child – Foster Care”

Herceg Novi, 2 March 2015


The Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms of the Parliament of Montenegro in cooperation with the UNICEF Office to Montenegro will organize a public debate titled “The Rights of the Child – Foster Care”

The public debate will be held on Monday, 2 March 2015 at 14:00, in the Great Hall of the Local Assembly Herceg Novi.

The public debate is organized in support of the campaign “Every Child Needs a Family”, which is implemented within the multi-year project ”Social Welfare and Child Care System Reform: Enhancing Social Inclusion”, which is being implemented by the Government of Montenegro, with technical assistance by UNICEF and UNDP, and with financial support of the European Union.

In addition to the Committee members and UNICEF representatives, the representatives of the following were invited to attend the public debate: Institution of the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro, Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Centres for Social Welfare, European Union Delegation to Montenegro, OSCE, local self-government, NGO sector, as well as foster families, people who grew up in foster families and citizens.