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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 08. December 2015. 15:00

Conference on the occasion of marking the International Human Rights Day

Parliament of Montenegro, 9 December 2015

In accordance with Article 66 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms and the Committee on Health, Labour and Social Welfare will organise the Conference on the occasion of marking the International Human Rights Day - 10 December. The conference will be held in the Parliament of Montenegro (Blue Room), on 9 December 2015. 

The topic of the conference is: “It is my aspiration that health finally will be seen not as a blessing to be wished for, but as a human right to be fought for - Kofi Annan”, in light of the signed Barcelona Declaration on Tuberculosis (TB).

Having in mind that tuberculosis (TB) has killed a greater number of people than any other infectious disease in human history and continues to be responsible for 1.5-2 million deaths a year, and that the progress in fighting this disease is very slow, the parliamentarians of the Parliament of Montenegro: Dr Halil Duković, Mr Zoran Jelić, Ms Marta Šćepanović, Ms Branka Tanasijević, Ms Ljerka Dragičević, Mr Almer Kalač, Ms Azra Jasavić, signed the Barcelona Declaration, thus supporting the global initiative where politicians from different countries and from different political parties were united in a more effective fight against TB.

Declaration was launched as the initiative of a member of the European Parliament Mr Nick Herbert and the Health Minister of the South African Republic, and more than 580 MPs from 95 countries worldwide have signed it so far - from doctors who set the diagnosis and prescribe therapy in treatment to drug manufacturers in combating this disease.

Understanding the significance of joint action against this vicious disease and wanting to include Montenegro among the countries which jointly fight against this very serious disease, by signing the Declaration the parliamentarians agreed that, in cooperation with official organisations, including the World Health Organisation, UNITAID, the Global Fund, the Stop TB Partnership, UNION, and UNAIDS, as well as with the NGOs worldwide, overcoming political and geographical divides, they would look for a way, through building commitment in our country and beyond, to exert pressure for a more efficient response to the TB epidemic in order to achieve the goal of the Declaration - to finally find a solution against this infectious disease.

The aim of the Conference is promoting the fight against tuberculosis, raising awareness about this disease, patient support and their families, as well as the support to all actors dealing with prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of TB. One of the ways to raise awareness on TB is to join the initiative which is not directly related to politics, but is strictly professional and may only bring wellbeing to generations to come.

Taking into account the fact that all people should be able to live without the tyranny of disease, it is necessary to provide all the required assistance to patients dealing with this disease, as well as to the health care professionals who make efforts to stop the TB epidemic.

Aside from members of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms and Committee on Health, Labour and Social Welfare, the following are invited to the Conference: MPs who are doctors by profession, MPs - the signatories of the Declaration, Minister of Health, Advisor to the Prime Minister of Montenegro on Human Rights and Protection against Discrimination and member of the Council for Protection against Discrimination, Director of the Public Health Institute, Director of Public Health Institution Special Hospital for Lung Diseases “Dr Jovan Bulajić” in Brezovik, Director of the Primary Health Centre in Podgorica, Head of Centre for Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis of the Primary Health Care Centre in Podgorica, Director of “Montefarm”, Head of the WHO Country Office in Montenegro, representative of the Red Cross of Montenegro and representatives of NGO “Civic Alliance”, CAZAS and “Ozon”.

In addition, Ambassador of the Great Britain to Montenegro and representatives of international organisations based in Montenegro (Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, UNDP, UNHCR; UNICEF and OSCE) are also invited to the Conference.