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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 23. May 2013. 14:14

Eighth Meeting of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants


The Committee assessed positively the Proposal for appointing the Ambassador of Montenegro to the Holy See and Ambassador to Bulgaria



Members of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants of the Parliament of Montenegro, on the Meeting held today, considered the Proposal for Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Montenegro to the Holy see, on residential basis, to be appointed Mr Veselin Šuković as well as the Proposal for Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Montenegro to the Republic of Bulgaria, on non-residential basis, to be appointed Mr Miomir Mihaljević.

Mr Šuković and Mr Mihaljević emphasised the significance of future missions as well as challenges and plans of their actions during the upcoming term of office. Following statements and presentations of candidates for ambassadors, MPs stated their positions relating the proposed candidates.

Members of the Committee, who participated in the discussion, pointed out that those were exceptional candidates, expressing opinion that their missions in the mentioned states would be successful.

Following the conversation with the candidates for ambassadors, members of the Committee unanimously supported their appointment and gave positive opinion on them, stating that their professional, working and expert capacities recommended them for the functions, thus the Committee would inform the President of Montenegro on this.