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Wednesday, 06. February 2013. 09:20

Chairman of the Committee on Political System, Justice and Administration, Mr. Rifat Rastoder, met with the Chief of the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission

At the meeting of the Chairman of the Committee on Political System, Justice and Administration, Mr. Rifat Rastoder, and the Ambassador of OSCE/ODIHR Limited Election Observation Mission, Mr. Geert Hinrich Ahrens, that was held today, it had been spoken of recommendations from the OSCE/ODIHR Limited Election Observation Mission Final Report, regarding the early parliamentary elections.

The Interlocutors focused on recommendations regarding the legal framework, and mostly on the issues regarding the permanent residence condition, distribution of seats to minority lists, representation of women in the election lists, as well as the role of media in the electoral process.

The Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Rifat Rastoder, assessed that the recommendations were beneficial and that it was necessary to make further effort to promote electoral legislation, which requires political will.

The meeting was also attended by Ms Tamara Otiashvili, the OSCE/ODIHR Election Adviser and Mr. Lloyd Tudyk, the Head of the Democratization Section of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, as well as the professional service of the Committee.