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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 15. June 2016. 18:54

Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration holds its 121st meeting

Several amendments considered

At its 121st meeting held today, the Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration considered 12 amendments. 

The Committee supported by a majority of votes an amendment (1) by MP Ms Marta Šćepanović to the Proposal for the Law on Administrative Inspection.

MP Mr Genci Nimanbegu rephrased the submitted amendment (1) to the Proposal for the Law on Interpreters, which the Committee, with a majority of votes, decided to submit as an amendment of the Committee.

The Committee submitted amendments to the Proposal for a Decision on establishing a temporary parliamentary committee on monitoring the investigation of cases of endangering security of journalists and media outlets.

The following did not obtain the necessary majority: amendments (5) by MPs: Mr Almer Kalač, Mr Rešad Sijarić, and Mr Suljo Mustafić to the Proposal for the Law on Court Experts, amendment (1) by MP Ms Draginja Vuksanović, amendments (2) by MPs Ms Azra Jasavić and Mr Goran Tuponja, as well as amendment (1) by MPs Mr Almer Kalač, Mr Rešad Sijarić, and Mr Suljo Mustafić to the Proposal for the Law on Trainees in Courts and Public Prosecution Office and Bar Exam.

Amendments (3) by MP Mr Andrija Popović to the Proposal for the Law on Interpreters and an amendment (1) by MP Mr Miloš Konatar to the Proposal for the Law on Trainees in Courts and Public Prosecution Office and Bar Exam were not considered at the meeting due to absence of submitters of amendments.