The Committee considered the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Veterinary Law and the Proposal for a Decision on adopting the Special Purpose Spatial Plan for the Durmitor Region, with Special Purpose Spatial Plan for the Durmitor Region and Detailed Elaboration for the sites “Savin kuk” and “Military Resort”
At today’s 57th meeting, the Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning has considered and unanimously decided to propose to the Parliament to adopt the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Veterinary Law.
Discussing the Proposal for a Decision on adopting the Special Purpose Spatial Plan for the Durmitor Region, with Special Purpose Spatial Plan for the Durmitor Region and Detailed Elaboration for the sites “Savin kuk” and “Military Resort”, some of the participants noted that it provided coordinated and balanced approach to development, which would ensure valorisation of natural, social, construction and cultural potentials of the Durmitor Region, aimed at economic growth and in line with Montenegrin spatial and planning developmental framework.
Also, some of the participants stated that the plan did not respect space standards of the established local communities.
After the voting, the Committee decided, by a majority of votes, to propose to the Parliament to adopt the Proposal for a Decision on adopting the Special Purpose Spatial Plan for the Durmitor Region, with Special Purpose Spatial Plan for the Durmitor Region and Detailed Elaboration for the sites “Savin kuk” and “Military Resort”.
Na danas održanoj 57. śednici, Odbor za turizam, poljoprivredu, ekologiju i prostorno planiranje razmotrio je i jednoglasno odlučio da predloži Skupštini da usvoji: Predlog zakona o izmjenama Zakona o veterinarstvu.
Razmatrajući Predlog odluke o donošenju Prostornog plana posebne namjene za Durmitorsko područje, sa Prostornim planom posebne namjene za Durmitorsko područje i Detaljnim razradama lokaliteta: „Savin kuk“ i „Vojno odmaralište“, iznijeta su mišljenja da se njime obezbjeđuje koordinisan i balansiran pristup razvoju koji će omogućiti valorizaciju prirodnih, društvenih, građevinskih i kulturnih potencijala Durmitorskog područja, sa ciljem održivog ekonomskog rasta, a u skladu sa Crnogorskim prostorno-planskim razvojnim okvirom.
Iznijeta su i mišljenja da planom nisu ispoštovani standardi prostora formiranih lokalnih zajednica.
Nakon glasanja, Odbor je većinom glasova odlučio da predloži Skupštini da usvoji Predlog odluke o donošenju Prostornog plana posebne namjene za Durmitorsko područje sa Prostornim planom posebne namjene za Durmitorsko područje i Detaljnim razradama lokaliteta: „Savin kuk“ i „Vojno odmaralište“.