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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 08. October 2013. 17:18

The Parliament of Montenegro exemplified by the Inter-Parliamentary Union on the occasion of celebrating the International Day of Democracy

The Parliament of Montenegro is one out of six parliaments exemplified by the Inter-Parliamentary Union on the occasion of celebrating the International Day of Democracy.

On the panel devoted to the International Day of Democracy, which is set up in the Inter-Parliamentary Union premises in Geneva, during its Meeting that is being held on these days, the Parliament of Montenegro is exemplified by the Inter-Parliamentary Union on celebrating the International Day of Democracy, as model to other parliaments how this significant day should be celebrated.

The Parliament of Montenegro celebrated the International Day of Democracy by implementing the set of activities within the project “Democracy Workshops”. Those activities included meeting of the Vice President of the Parliament Mr Suljo Mustafić with students of thr third grade of the Primary school "Oktoih"  as well as visit  of MPs Zorica Kovačević, Azra Jasavić, Obrad Mišo Stanišić and Emilo Labudović to the democracy workshops, who discussed with children the concept  of democracy, role of an MP in democratic society  and importance of the people's voice that is heard through their elected representatives on the occasion of democratic decision making process.  

United Nations’ General Assembly proclaimed 15 September as the International Day of Democracy, inviting Member States to strengthen national programmes dedicated to promotion and consolidation of democracy. Inter-Parliamentary Union, under the slogan "Better parliaments, stronger democracy" , promotes the International Day of Democracy through its parliament in 162 member countries.  

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