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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 02. December 2013. 16:15

During the continuation of the XV Cetinje Parliamentary Forum, two sessions held

During the continuation of the XV Cetinje Parliamentary Forum, dedicated to the topic “Strengthening the Oversight Role of Parliament in the Defence and Security Sector”, which started today in hotel Maestral, Budva, two sessions were held. 

Chairperson of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Aleksandar Damjanović was a moderator on the topic “The Role of Parliaments in Security Budget Formulation”.

In his addressing, Mr Damjanović said that the legislative framework for timely and efficient implementation of parliamentary oversight in the area was completed by systemic Budget Law and by adoption of the Law on Parliamentary Oversight in the Fields of Security and Defence. Having in mind the competences of the Committee, and its unique position in terms of authority in accordance with prescribed regulations, he said that there was a room for further improvement in the implementation of parliamentary control over the planning, allocation and expenditure of budgetary funds allocated to defence and security sector. Accordingly, he emphasised the importance of long-term planning for the effective monitoring of indicators in this area, stressing the positive role and contribution of the State Audit Institution in the process.

Colonel Stjepan Domjančić, Head of the Defence Planning Service in the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia spoke within the session, pointing out to the importance of the role of parliaments in monitoring the implementation of budget allocations in the defence and security sector, also reminding to changed role of the armed forces in the region in line with modern security trends as well as changed challenges, stressing the importance of their relationship with the society in order an adequate response to citizens' needs to be provided. With regard to this, he stressed the importance of finding a balance between the implementation of parliamentary oversight and functionality of organs and institutions in the field of defence and security.

Representative of the State Audit Institution Mr Blažo Savković was a moderator during the session on Budget Audit and Evaluation, while Ms Dušanka Majkić, Chair of the Joint Committee on Defence and Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, spoke as a panellist.

In her addressing Ms Dušanka Majkić informed the participants of the Forum on the basic principles and results of parliamentary oversight and audit process of the defence and security sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a special reference to methodology and experience in the work of the Finance and Budget Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

During the discussion, the participants of the gathering exchanged their experiences on previous work, with special emphasis on cooperation of parliaments with audit institutions, assessment of available resources and guidelines for improving the treatment in this area.

Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Suljo Mustafić opened the XV Cetinje Parliamentary Forum, while opening address was given by both Chairperson of the Security and Defence Committee Mr Mevludin Nuhodžić and Assistant Director and Head of Department for Operations for South East Europe DCAF from Geneva Mr Darko Stančić. 

This year XV Cetinje Parliamentary Forum, organised by the Parliament of Montenegro in cooperation with the Centre for Security, Development and the Rule of Law (DCAF), gathered more than 50 parliamentarians from the region.

The Forum will be continued tomorrow, with the session “Legal Frameworks for Security Sector Oversight” .

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