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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 27. February 2014. 15:04

2013 Performance Report of the Parliament published

For the purpose of affirming the principle of transparency and publicity of work as well as informing citizens on parliamentary activities, the Parliament of Montenegro has continued the practice of publishing the annual performance reports

2013 Performance Report contains detailed information on legislative and oversight activities of the Parliament and its working bodies, parliamentary cooperation, cooperation with civil sector, publicity of work, administrative capacities, use of financial funds as well as other activities that marked the past year. During 2013, the Parliament of Montenegro of 25th convocation held 24 sittings of ordinary sessions, eighth meetings of extraordinary sessions and one ceremonious sitting, during which total od 206 acts were adopted, including Amendments I to XVI to the Constitution of Montenegro – adopted by the Parliament of Montenegro at the Twelfth Sitting of the First Ordinary Session, 113 laws, one resolution, 66 decisions, 24 conclusions and one opinion. In addition, eighth special sittings of the Parliament devoted to Prime Minister’s hour and parliamentary questions were held, during which 49 questions were posed to the Prime Minister, 196 to ministers and 13 additional questions.

Working bodies of the Parliament of Montenegro held 269 meetings, during which 1131 items of the agenda were considered, among which 355 proposals for laws, and 2071 amendments. Furthermore, during working bodies meetings, 15 control and 28 consultative hearings were held.

The practice of organising numerous thematic meetings has been continued as well as visits to various institutions, public debates, roundtables, meetings, conferences and other similar events. On the occasion of 20 November, the Day of adopting the Convention of the rights of the child, the Fifth Children’s Parliament was held. The second year in the row, the sitting of the Women Parliament was organised on International Women's Day (IWD) - March 8, with the aim of promoting women human rights in Montenegro, and in March the first Montenegrin Entrepreneurship Parliament had a sitting – as one of the manners for establishing more solid cooperation and development of the dialogue between MPs and entrepreneurs. Within the project Democracy Workshops, apart from the workshops on the topic Democracy and the Parliament”, the implementation of workshops on the topic “European Union” has started in June.

Intensified international cooperation marked 2013, and especially important event in this field was the election of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro as OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President, during 22nd annual session, held in the period 29 June - 3 July in Istanbul. The important part of parliamentary cooperation has been achieved through parliamentary friendships groups, participation in conferences and meetings and similar activities, particularly those organised within presidency of the European Union, as well as other forms of bilateral cooperation.  

For the purpose of further improvement of the Parliament’s work efficiency, the following was adopted: 2013 Legislative Work Plan, Action Plan for Strengthening the Legislative and Oversight Role of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2013, Calendar of Activities of the Parliament for the period 1 January - 31 July and 1 September - 31 December 2013 and annual work plans of working bodies of the Parliament.

New 2013 Trainings Plan was also adopted together with the revised Human Resources Development Strategy for the period 2013-2015 as well as Rulebook on Organisation and Systematisation of the Parliamentary Service, envisaging reorganisation of certain organisational units.

As of May, the innovated internet presentation of the Parliament has been operational, significantly enriched in content, and fully implemented by technical, financial and human capacities of the Parliament of Montenegro.

All employees from all organisational units of the Parliament of Montenegro have participated in the preparation of this report, in line with their competences, and the sources were, primarily, minutes from Parliament’s sittings as well as reports and minutes from working bodies meetings, monthly reports of organisational units and other reports. 


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