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Skupština Crne Gore
Sunday, 07. September 2014. 00:00

Regional Parliamentary Conference ended in Budva

Conclusions and recommendations adopted

Regional Parliamentary Conference, under the topic ″The role of parliaments in the oversight of energy policies and investments in the energy sector in the Western Balkans countries″, ended today in Budva. The Conference was held in the framework of the activities of the Network of Parliamentary Committees for Economy, Finance and European Integration of the Western Balkans, presided by Aleksandar Damjanović, member of the Parliament of Montenegro, with the support of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy.

During the third panel, entitled "Investing in Energy in the Western Balkans - Future needs and implications", the panelist was an academician, Momir Đurović, President of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts. Panelists within this sessions were also: Ivan Bošković, Acting Director General of the Directoratefor Transformation and Investment in the Ministry of Economy of Montenegro; Atanasko Tunevski, professor at the University "St. Cyril and Methodius", Skopje and Predrag Popovski, professor at the University "St. Cyril and Methodius", Skopje.

Panelists during the fourth session, entitled "The role of the regulatory bodies and the role of parliaments in the oversight of regulators and energy policies", were: Milenko Čokorilo, President of the Energy Regulatory Agency of the Republic of Srpska; Enver Halimi, Chairman of the Board of Energy Regulatory Office of Kosovo and Branislav Prelević, Chairperson of the Board of the Energy Regulatory Agency of Montenegro.

Apart from the member Aleksandar Damjanović, the Conference was also attended by the following members, as representatives of the Parliament of Montenegro: Filip Vuković, Almer Kalač and Mladen Bojanić.

Upon completion of the Conference, the Chairmanship over the Network of Parliamentary Committees was taken by Ervin Koci, a member of the Albanian Parliament, who announced the holding of the next regional conference in February 2015 in Albania.

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