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Tuesday, 21. October 2014. 14:40

Chairperson of Committee on European Integration, representatives of MP Groups and Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro host MP of German CDU

The occasion for the meeting is a recently published Report on Montenegro's progress in the EU integration process  

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Slaven Radunović, representatives of MP Groups: Mr Borislav Banović (SDP), Mr Goran Danilović (DF), Mr Aleksandar Damjanović (SNP), Ms Azra Jasavić (Pozitivna)  and Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Damir Davidović today hosted MP of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in German Bundestag Mr Peter Beyer and H.E. Ambassador of Germany to Montenegro Ms Gudrun Elisabet.

The occasion for the meeting is a recently published Report on Montenegro's progress in the EU integration process. MP of Bundestag Mr Peter Beyer says that Montenegro’s progress is significant and that he is especially pleased by the composition of today’s delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro, composed of both - representatives of the ruling coalition and opposition. The German MP has showed interested in position of Montenegrin parliamentarians on Montenegro’s progress in the EU and NATO integration process, and role of MPs in that process.

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Mr Slaven Radunović notes that EC Report on Montenegro represents realistic review of things, since Montenegro has achieved a significant progress in negotiation with the EU for the chapters which did not require a political will, but on the other hand, it is obvious that there are certain problems when it comes to chapter 23. He reminds that the Committee on European Integration of the Parliament has considered twenty one negotiation positions so far, adding that amendments were unanimously adopted for seven positions. He emphasises that the future status of Montenegro is more important that obtaining political points on a daily basis.

Mr Goran Danilović, also before the MP Group of DF, says that all twenty MPs of that coalition agree that EU integration should be accelerated and that problems stated in chapters 23 and 24 should be addresses more seriously. He reiterates that regarding NATO integration, DF thinks that a referendum is the only legitimate solution, whose results the DF would recognise. MPs Radunović and Danilović says that MPs have better working conditions now than five years ago, which is reflected in greater number of parliamentary staff and their better qualifications, what is a merit of Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Damir Davidović.

MP, Chair of the MP Group of SNP and Chairperson of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget Mr Aleksandar Damjanović also spoke on the progress of Montenegrin Parliament in the integration process, headed by Secretary General; he says that the progress is visible in almost doubled number of staff and their professionalism, but also in achieving the financial independence of the Parliament of Montenegro. MP Damjanović reminds of transparency of the Parliament of Montenegro in comparison with other state institutions, which makes it the most open parliament in Europe. He adds that all sittings and meetings in the Parliament of Montenegro are opened for media reporting which is not a case in the German Budenstag.

On the topic of EU and NATO integration, MP of the Positive Ms Azra Jasavić says that EU and NATO integration are equally important for the party she represents, so there is no difference between the two. She is of opinion that NATO integration is equally important for Montenegro because it would make the neighbouring region safe and stable, and is also a pre-condition of economic progress. Ms Jasavić believes that without those conditions there will be no foreign investments, and therefore opening of new jobs in Montenegro. Thus, Jasavić adds, Montenegro supports regional and cross-border cooperation of Montenegro.

MP and Head of the MP Group of SDP Mr Borislav Banović says that Montenegro’s progress on the path towards the EU and NATO is visible, which has been significantly contributed by Montenegrin Parliament and Montenegrin MPs. However, he points out the problem of a number of MPs in the Parliament of Montenegro who are not, as it is the case in the parliament of the region, closely tied to just one area through the work of a working body, but on the contrary, MPs are engaged in several areas. Therefore, Mr Banović considers that specialisation of MPs is necessary.

Secretary General of the Parliament Mr Damir Davidović confirms that the parliamentary service has advanced in the last five years, which is the result mostly of the principle of planning. Hence, as of 2010, following the positive opinion of EC on candidature of Montenegro, the Parliament of Montenegro introduces the concept of action plans, a week after the EC stated its opinion. Secretary General stresses that Montenegrin Parliament is included in the process of European integration more than any other parliament of applicant countries, and that the Parliament of Montenegro is the only institution which has Strategy for development of human resources, Training strategy for staff and financial independence. Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro points out that Service of the Parliament of Montenegro is the only service who has been participating in the screening process.

Participants of the meeting jointly assessed that new progress and new challenges are in front of Montenegro as well as that the rule of law is a key factor for further process of EU and NATO integration.


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