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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 28. April 2015. 16:00

Continuation of the XVII Cetinje Parliamentary Forum - three sessions held

Three sessions held in the continuation of theXVII Cetinje Parliamentary Forum, dedicated to the topic “Human Rights and Gender Equality in the Security and Defence Sector”, that opened in Cetinje today

Chairman of the Security and Defence Committee, Mr Mevludin Nuhodžić moderated the first session titled "Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms for the Security and Armed Forces Personnel". During this session speeches were given by Mr. Bauke Snoep from the Centre for European Security Studies (CESS) from the Netherlands and Mr. Jan Haukaas, Special Adviser to the OSCE ODIHR Director, the representative in Vienna

Chairwoman of the Gender Equality Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro, Ms Nada Drobnjak, moderated the session titled "Gender and Security Sector Governance and Reform". Greater representation of women contributes to well-functioning institutions and establishing of greater confidence in the security sector contributes, because it is considered that representation of a certain gender negatively affects the social and economic development, potentially endangering the rule of law, said Ms Drobnjak. She emphasized that the increased presence of women in security sector institutions is a proof of the existence of inclusive society and respect for basic aspects of the security sector. This session included presentations by the Ambassador Miroslava Beham, Senior Adviser on Gender Issues in the OSCE Secretariat and Mr. Ivan Zveržhanovski, PhD, SEESAC Coordinator of the United Nations Development Programme (A Regional Approach to Integrating the Gender Perspective in SSR/G Processes).

During the third session titled "Perception of Human Rights and Gender for Security and Armed Forces Personnel in SEE: Legislative and Institutional Framework, Human Rights and Gender Training in Practice", moderated by Mr. Aleksandar Saša Zeković, the Chair of the Council for Civilian Control of Police Operations, participants of the meeting jointly discussed the situation in terms of human rights for members of security and armed forces in the region, as well as exceptions or limitations in this regard. In addition, views were exchanged on mechanism of complaints and the existence of the institution of Ombudsman for security forces when gender equality is concerned.

XVII meeting of the Cetinje Parliamentary Forum, bringing together this year more than fifty parliamentarians from the region, was organized by the Parliament of Montenegro, in cooperation with the OSCE Mission in Montenegro.

The Forum will continue tomorrow with the session titled "The Way Forward: Streamlining Human Rights and Gender for the Security Sector in General Policies, Training Programmes and Education Curricula".

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