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Monday, 04. March 2013. 12:10

Expert debate “Human Rights in Montenegro - from the referendum to the start of negotiations with the European Union” organized by the Parliament of Montenegro and NGO Civic Alliance

The gathering was welcomed by the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić, Minister for Human and Minority Rights Mr Suad Numanović Dr and U.S. Ambassador to Montenegro H.E. Sue K. Brown.

The Report “Human Rights in Montenegro - from the referendum to the start of negotiations with the European Union” was presented by Ms Ajša Hadžibegović, Programme Director of Civic Alliance. Mr Siniša Bjeković MA legal advisor of the Civic Alliance and Head of the Law Faculty Centre for Human Rights in Podgorica and Mr Budimir Šćepanović, Deputy Protector of the Human Rights and Freedoms spoke on following topics: “Development of the Legal Framework 2006-2012“ and “Institutional Framework Development 2006-2012“. 

The following participated in the discussion: Mr Halil Duković Dr, Chairperson of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms, Ms Snežana Jonica and Mr Dritan Abazović MA, members of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms, Ms Slava Burić, Secretary to the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms, Mr Sabahudin Delić, Deputy Minister for Human Rights and Freedoms, Ms Slavica Rabrenović Deputy Minister of Justice for the Sector for Execution of Criminal Sanctions, Mr Petar Ivezić Deputy Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro, Mr Fetija Međedović, representative of the Constitutional Court, Mr Veselin Vukčević, President of Prosecutorial Council, Mr Miljan Perović, the Department for Execution of Criminal Sanctions Director, Mr Radenko Lacmanović, member of the Council of the Agency for Protection of Personal Data and Free Access to Information, Ms Ljulja Đonaj, representative of the Police Administration, Mr Alberto Cammarata, representative of the European Union Delegation to Montenegro, Mr Marc Lassman,  Head of the Office of USAID Programme for Efficient Management, Ms Ana Dautović, representative of the UNICEF Office, Ms Milena Ćeranić, OSCE representative, Mr Benjamin Perks, Head of the UNICEF Office in Montenegro, Ms Tanja Kalovska, representative of the Council of Europe Office in Montenegro, Mr Milan Radović, Civic Alliance coordinator, Ms Maja Raičević, representative of the Women's Rights Center, Ms Jelena Gluščević, representative of the Centre for Child Rights, while the expert debate was followed by representatives of domestic and international organisations and numerous media.

“Civic Alliance” continuously monitors respect and protection of human rights within the Programme of Efficient Management funded by the USAID, and it conducted examination and analysed efficiency of the competent state institutions in protection and processing of reported cases of violation of human rights, for the purpose of establishing fundamental problems and recommendations for their solving, and report “Human Rights in Montenegro - from the referendum to the start of negotiations with the European Union” contains findings of the research.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić opened the Expert debate, emphasing that Montenegro walked a long way from the time when defence of human rights was achievement of individual up to institutions which protect them. That was the path of continuous challenges. Montenegro is a small country and that is an advantage, because everything is more visible and transparent. Since the restoration of statehood, Montenegro has made great improvements in the field of protection of human rights and institution building.

U.S. Ambassador Sue K. Brown agreed on that, assessing that our country had made ​​rapid progress on the path of democratization and observation for human rights. She praised work, transparency and responsibility of the Government and their institutions. She emphasized that strong institutions protecting human rights were one of the pillars of democracy.

Minister for Human and Minority Rights Mr Suad Numanović Dr stated that Montenegro was dedicated to development and protection of human rights and Euro Atlantic integration. He stated that great progress was made regarding exercising of human, civic, political, economic, cultural, social and other rights in Montenegro by achieving numerous obligations in normative and institutional sense. In addition, he pointed out that negotiations with the European Union would cause the further progress regarding protection of human rights and application of European standards.

President of the NVO “Civic Alliance” Mr Boris Raonić stated that the idea of the Civic Alliance was the issues of human rights in Montenegro to be monitored over a longer period of time, since it was the only manner to establish whether human rights were protected and improved in an appropriate manner. He stressed that the report “Human Rights in Montenegro - from the referendum to the start of negotiations with the European Union” covered a period from the referendum (May 2006) up to initiation of negotiation with the European Union (June 2012). He stated that six members team of the Civic Alliance worked on research and writing of the Report, endeavoring to make analyses of trend of culture of human rights in last six years, as well as trend of legislative and institutional protection of human rights in Montenegro. The Project was supported from USAID Programme for Efficient Management in Montenegro.

The Report “Human Rights in Montenegro - from the referendum to the start of negotiations with the European Union” was presented by Ms Ajša Hadžibegović, Programme Director of Civic Alliance. She stated that the aim this report was to show efficiency of competent state institutions in protection and processing of reported cases of violated human rights and to help in defining recommendations for their overcoming.

Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms received top marks on its performance evaluation. The work of the Committee during the entire period had been transparent, the members of the Committee have been very active and they managed to overcome their political party affiliation in numerous discussions and decisions. The complaints referred to the fact that the parties dominantly chose for their representatives in the Committee representatives of the minority peoples and that the organized control hearings had not achieved any greater influence regarding the issue of responsibility of the representatives of institutions who were the subject of the hearing.

The institution of the Ombudsman in the monitored period had not been provided with the economic and political independence. The staff had not been filled to full capacity. Progress in the work of the Ombudsman had been achieved in the second half of the monitored period, when the trust of citizens in this institution had increased, and the cooperation with the NGO sector had improved in quality.

Chairperson of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms Mr Halil Duković commended the Report, pointing out that he is especially glad of the fact that the Committee received top marks on its performance evaluation. He pointed out that the performance evaluation of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms was objective, and the continuous progress in the work of this body is possible to consider based on findings from the European Commission Progress Report of Montenegro. Just like in the previous period, the Committee will have an intensive cooperation with the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro, based on the Law on Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro, Anti-discrimination Law and the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro. A part of the activities will be dedicated to participation of citizens and civil initiative in local authorities, and through the institutes of the control function of the Parliament, implementation of the Laws and Conclusions of the Parliament, within the competencies of this Committee.

The Committee, as stated in the Study, also has an intensive cooperation with the non-governmental sector dealing with the issues of human rights and freedoms, and specifically the Committee has good cooperation with the NGO “Civic Alliance”, because their representative is present at almost all meetings of the Committee, due to his monitoring of work of this Committee.

The work of the Committee is transparent, its meetings stir great interest of the print and electronic media, the Committee publishes its annual Performance Report as well as the information, minutes and reports on all of the activities of this working body on the website of the Parliament.

Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms will continue to implement numerous activities as well, which this Committee will encounter on the path of European and Euro-Atlantic integration, and all in accordance with its competencies defined under the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament, as well as cooperation with the state institutions, international organisations, non-governmental sector, academic community and media, and all that with a view to affirmation, promotion, observation and protection of human rights and freedoms of all citizens of Montenegro.

With regard to the complaint addressed to the work of the Committee, the Chairperson of the Committee pointed out that there are a lot of members of the minorities in the Committee considering that they would, in the best possible manner, present the problems that the minority peoples encounter.

MP Snežana Jonica estimated that the relation of the country with regard to the protection of the human rights is proportionate to the budget allocated to the institutions in charge thereof. Additionally, she addressed the critique regarding the functioning of Fund for Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities in which 18 500 000 were flown into, and that 17 000 000 of which had been spent elsewhere.

MP Dritan Abazović commended the work of the Civic Alliance. He pointed out that state authorities as well should look up to the NGOs in their work. He pointed out that political discrimination is a priority topic in Montenegro, which concerns all of us, minorities, persons with disabilities, and the majority population.

At the end of the Expert Debate, the following Recommendations were adopted:

1. It is necessary to further strengthen institutions and to provide adequate budget, professional and administrative capacities in the institutions which have the competence in the field of human rights. It is necessary to promote cooperation among institutions and conduct employee trainings regarding human rights, especially in the closed type of institutions. Additionally, it is necessary to further promote cooperation of the Government and its institutions with the non-governmental sector.

2. Under all of the reported complaints on severe violation of human rights, such as torture and discrimination, it is necessary for the competent authorities to conduct urgent, independent and efficient investigations which will lead to proportional punishment of all violators of human rights.

4. Strengthen the role of women and their representation and further work on female human rights.

5. Promote the rights of persons with disabilities and regulate the work of Fund for Professional Rehabilitation so that total funds that are flown into that Fund are used to improve the position of persons with disabilities.

7. Adopt the legislation in the field of alternative sanctions and implement trainings for the employees of the Department for Execution of Criminal Sanctions in the field of human rights in cooperation with the non-governmental and international organisations.

8. It is necessary to create development of values and long-term planning with relation to human rights. All relevant institutions, including the civil sector, should work in sync on human rights, having in mind the end goal and the impact that they wish to achieve via projects and activities.

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