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Thursday, 18. June 2015. 10:09

A list of five candidates for the election of members of the Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption submitted

Pursuant to Article 86 paragraph 4 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption, the Commission for conducting the election of members of the Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption, submits to the Anti-corruption Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro the following list of five candidates for the election of members of the Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption:

1. Ms Vanja Ćalović,

2. Mr Ristan Stijepović,

3. Mr Radule Žurić,

4. Ms Goranka Vučinić and

5. Mr Bojan Obrenović.


At its 34th meeting, the Anti-corruption Committee unanimously reached a Decision on initiating the procedure for election of members of the Commission for conducting the election of members of the Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption.

In line with Article 85 paragraph 4 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption, the Parliament of Montenegro has determined two representatives of the Parliament of Montenegro (one from parliamentary majority, one from the opposition). Additionally, Judicial and Prosecutorial Council each have a representative who become members of the Commission for conducting the election of members of the Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption.

In line with Article 85 paragraph 5 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption, the responsible committee – the Anti-corruption Committee issued a public notice for electing one member of the Commission from among non-governmental organisations.

On 22 April 2015, in line with articles 85 and 105 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption, the Anri-corruption Committee issued a:


Public notice for election of members of the Council of the of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption

The subject of the public notice is application of candidates for the election of members of the Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption. The Council consist of five members, elected by the Parliament of Montenegro, upon the proposal of the Anti-corruption Committee. Members of the Council are elected for the period of four years, and they can be elected two times at most.

Ten applications were submitted to the public notice by the following: Ms Vanja Ćalović, Mr Ivo Đoković, Mr Zlatko Vujović, Mr Ristan Stijepović, Mr Radule Žurić, Mr Šefko Crnovršanin, Ms Goranka Vučinić, Mr Bojan Obrenović, Mr Marina Jovićević and Mr Luigj Juncaj.

Commission for conducting the election of members of the Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption , at its third meeting of 1 June 2015, in line with Article 86 paragraph 1 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption, reached a decision-determined a list of eight candidates who fulfil conditions from articles 83 and 84 of the Law:

1. Ms Vanja Ćalović,

2. Mr Ivo Đoković,

3. Mr Zlatko Vujović,

4. Mr Ristan Stijepović,

5. Mr Radule Žurić,

6. Mr Šefko Crnovršanin,

7. Ms Goranka Vučinić and

8. Mr Bojan Obrenović.

Commission for conducting the election of members of the Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption noted that candidates Ms Marina Jovićević and Mr Luigj Juncaj did not fulfil conditions from Article 83 paragraph 2 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption.

In line with Article 86 paragraph 3 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption, candidates submitted written explanation of the future work of the Agency in preventing corruption.

In the meantime, candidate Mr Ivo Đoković withdrew his application to the public notice for electing one member of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption.

In line with Article 86 paragraph 3 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption, the candidates were interviewed on 11 June 2015. The Commission, on the basis of evidence from articles 83 and 84 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption and conducted interview, compiled a list of five candidates for the election of members of the Council.

Commission for conducting the election of members of the Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption compiled a list of five candidates for the election of members of theCouncil of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption  with majority of four votes at least.

Commission for conducting the election of members of the Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption  submitted a list of five candidates for the election of members of theCouncil of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption  to the responsible committee - the Anti-corruption Committee, for the purpose of proposing it to the Parliament:

Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić______

Mr Predrag Bulatović________

Mr Dobrica Šljivancanin_____

Mr Slavko Lukić_____

Mr Zoran Vujičić_____

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