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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 23. September 2015. 13:41

Mr Rastoder and Mr Stanković in Zagreb attending the Conference "Public service media and the Parliaments in the Enlargement Countries"

Chairman of the Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration, Mr Rifat Rastoder, and the Secretary General of the Parliament, Mr Siniša Stanković, participate at the Inter-parliamentary Conference on the topic of "Public service media and the Parliaments in the Enlargement Countries" 


The Conference, hosted by the Croatian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the Croatian Parliamentary Committee on Information, Computerisation and the Media, will be held on 24 and 25 September in Zagreb.

In the introductory part of the Conference, participants will be addressed by the Speaker of the Croatian Parliament, Mr Josip Leko, member of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs, Ms Eleni Theocharous, Director General of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Ms Ingrid Deltenre, Head of the Delegation of the Croatian Parliament to PACE, Mr Gvozden Flego and Director General of the Croatian Radiotelevision, Mr Goran Radman.

The Conference will address the role of public service media, the nomination procedures in bodies of public service media, the relationship between parliaments, citizens and broadcasters, parliamentary channels, as well as the media coverage of elections for the European Parliament.

Participants of the Conference are representatives of Western Balkans parliaments and the European Parliament, representatives of the European Broadcasting Union, public service media, private broadcasters, the Regional Cooperation Council, Croatian Journalists Association, the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb and the Croatian Ministry of Culture.

Chairman of the Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration, Mr Rifat Rastoder, and the Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Siniša Stanković, will participate at the Inter-parliamentary Conference.

During his stay in Zagreb, the Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Siniša Stanković, will meet with the Secretary General of the Croatian Parliament, Ms Lidija Bagarić.

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