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Saturday, 27. October 2012. 14:29

Second International Conference “Strengthening the Role of Parliaments and Governments in Promoting Competitiveness and Economic Growth in the Western Balkans Countries” Starts

Two sessions were held on the first day of the Conference.

Second Regional Conference “Strengthening the Role of Parliaments and Governments in Promoting Competitiveness and Economic Growth in the Western Balkans Countries” of the Regional Network of parliamentary committees on economy and finance of the Western Balkans Countries, organized with the assistance of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, started today in Miločer. The host, Chairman of the Committee on Economy, Finances and Budget, Mr. Aleksandar Damjanović, opened the conference. President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić sent a TELEGRAM regarding the opening of the Second Regional Conference.  

On the first day of the Conference, during two sessions, among the speakers were: Mr. Alex Romaniuc, the Head of Europe Programmes of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy; Mr. Beriz Belkić, former Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Ms. Danijela Martinović, Chairwoman of the Joint Committee on Economic Reforms and Development, Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Ms Slavica Penev, Senior Researcher Fellow at the Institute of Economic Science, Belgrade; Ms Vesna Kovač, Vice President of the Parliament of Serbia and the Chairperson of the Committee on Finances, State Budget and Control of Public Spending; Ms Vladanka Alvirović, the Chairperson of the Committee on Economic Issues, the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia; Ms Nevenka Savić, Director of Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Results of the regional study will be in the focus of the working Conference – strengthening the role of parliaments and governments in promoting competitiveness and economic growth,  considering the possibility for expanding the work of committees on economy and finance towards strengthening their role in that process, compliance of the program contents with all parliaments of the Western Balkans which are the network members, including goals which should be met until 2015 and steps necessary for meeting the goals.

Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Damir Davidović, participated in the discussion regarding the role of Parliaments in regulatory reform and economic reforms process.
The Chairman of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget, Mr. Aleksandar Damjanović, held a presentation regarding progress of Western Balkans countries in transition during EU integration process. 

The adoption of conclusions from the Conference Regional Networks of Parliamentary Committees on Economy and Finance of the Western Balkans Countries was announced.

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