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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 05. May 2016. 16:13

Department for Public Relations and Protocol: Announcement regarding the information published in the media

Regarding the unobjective information published today in certain media, which refers to entering the building of the Parliament by persons whose presence was requested by the MP Group of the Democratic Front, and for the purpose of providing the public with truthful information, we believe that we need to clarify the relevant facts once more.

The request of the MP Group of the Democratic Front was approved on 25 April of this year, in accordance with the Rulebook on Internal Order in the Building of the Parliament of Montenegro, when it was also submitted to the Security Service of the Parliament, and not five nor ten minutes prior to arrival of these persons, as it was reported.

The tasks of maintaining peace in the building of the Parliament and the area around the building are performed by a special service of the Ministry of Interior, which is responsible for proper conduct while using official and other entrances in the building, in accordance with the Law on Internal Affairs and Decision on determining the persons and facilities secured by the Police Administration, as well as with the Rulebook on Internal Order in the Building of the Parliament of Montenegro.

We especially note that we did not receive any information from the responsible authority - Ministry of Interior - that the aforementioned persons had been subjected to a security check, or that those persons were not allowed to enter the Parliament of Montenegro due to security reasons.

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