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Tuesday, 31. May 2016. 13:31

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro participates in the Interparliamentary Conference in Brussels

Topic “Interaction of political groups, parties, and the government in the process of European integration”

A four-member delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro participated in the Interparliamentary Conference “Interaction of political groups, parties, and the government in the process of European integration”, which was organised by the European Parliament and held yesterday and tomorrow in Brussels.

The Conference has highlighted the significance of holding of meetings of this type where representatives of the candidate countries and members of the European Parliament have the opportunity to exchange opinions, views, and dilemmas they are facing.

The topics which were in the focus of the meeting were the role of parties in the EU integration process, political parties in parliaments, relations between the government and the opposition, transparency, code of ethics of MPs, as well as the significance of MPs connecting with the citizens.

During the discussion, the participants exchanged opinions and experiences and presented the challenges that the candidate countries were facing on the path towards the European Union from the viewpoint of MPs and the role of parliaments in this process. Special attention was also paid to problems that the EU was currently facing, such as the current migration issue.

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro consisted of MPs Ms Žana Filipović, Ms Ljerka Dragičević, Ms Snežana Jonica, and Mr Izet Bralić. 

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