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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 02. September 2016. 12:41

MP Ms Ljerka Dragičević holds a meeting with representatives of the ZIKS

An MP of the HGI at the Parliament of Montenegro and Head of MP Group of Albanian party FORCA, HGI and LPCG Ms Ljerka Dragičević today has met with representatives of ZIKS, president of the Trade Union Mr Nenad Rakočević and member of the Main Board of the Trade Union Mr Predrag Spasojević.


They voiced their problems relating to the Law on Public Sector Salaries in which they, as employees of the Department for Execution of Criminal Sanctions (ZIKS), were not recognised. Therefore they are asking for amendments and supplements to the Law on Public Sector Salaries.

Considering that the tasks performed by all employees of the ZIKS cannot be measured in relation to other public sector employees, they said that it was completely justified for them to be recognised and that their salaries be regulated by a special act.

Furthermore, they believe that the Ministry of Justice within whose competencies they fall should address to the Ministry of Finance the Proposal for Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Public Sector Salaries, and in cooperation with the Trade Union of the ZIKS also prepare a decree on the size of coefficient for the ZIKS employees, and the MPs could do the same.

MP Dragičević will support them in that.

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