The meeting was marked by adoption of two draft laws
Followed by discussion lasting several hours at their thirteenth meeting, the Working Group for Building Trust in the Election Process adopted Draft Law on Voter Registers and Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Identity Card.
In the continuation of the meeting, the Working Group began discussion on Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Montenegrin Citizenship.
At their meeting the Working Group also reached an agreement to request additional time for their work from the Collegium of the President of the Parliament.
Radna grupa za izgrađivanje povjerenja u izborni proces je nakon višesatne rasprave, na trinaestoj śednici, utvrdila Nacrt zakona o birackom spisku i Nacrt zakona o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o ličnoj karti.
U nastavku śednice, Radna grupa je započela raspravu o Nacrtu zakona o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o crnogorskom državljanstvu.
Na śednici je postignuta i saglasnost, da se od Kolegijuma predśednika Skupstine zatraži dodatno vrijeme za rad Radne grupe.