These data are taken from the conferential system of the Plenary Hall of the Parliament of Montenegro, and it should be noted that it was not possible to provide precise data on the sittings held outside of the Plenary Hall of the Parliament.
Data on the number of requests for floor and total number of discussions are presented separately for each sitting of the first ordinary session (except for the first and fifth sitting held in Cetinje) as well as for sittings of the extraordinary sessions of the Parliament of Montenegro, and those data are shown by the order of duration of an MP’s discussion or discussion of other participant at the sitting of the Parliament of Montenegro. Explanation on methodology of collecting the concerned data is provided within the documents.
In the following period, the Parliament of Montenegro will continue the practise of publishing the available data, so the citizens and general public to become more familiar with the work of the Parliament. We recall that on the website of the Parliament of Montenegro, materials considered at the sittings and meetings of the Parliament and its working bodies have been published as well as the results of all votes.
In the following period, the general performance report of the Parliament of Montenegro during the spring session will be published.