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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 24. September 2013. 14:37

Presentation of the study-research of the Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Branko Radulović, Professor, PhD, held

Topic - Restructuring and long-term sustainability of aluminium industry in Montenegro 

Presentation of the study-research “Restructuring and long-term sustainability of aluminium industry in Montenegro” created by the Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Branko Radulović, Professor, PhD, was held today, 24 September 2013.

The aim of drafting the study-research is to answer the most important question for Montenegro – whether it is possible and how, from current dramatic and limiting state, to achieve optimal, efficient and long-term sustainable development of aluminium industry and therefore the real and questionable economics.

Researches have shown that aluminium industry in Montenegro can be sustainable as well as that it represents the most significant potential which will have extremely significant direct and multiplication effects on all macroeconomic and social parameters in Montenegro.

The study offers actual solutions in all segments, how, in which manner and at what pace to achieve the maximum effects and long-term sustainability of aluminium industry and overall metallurgical-energy complex.