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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 04. October 2013. 18:36

The Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Suljo Mustafić hosted the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Mr Ahmet Davutoğlu

We have good relations with all the countries in the Balkans, and especially with Montenegro - said the Minister Davutoğlu.

The Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Suljo Mustafić hosted the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Mr Ahmet Davutoğlu, during his visit to Bar.

The Minister Davutoğlu toured the Old City of Bar today and visited the building of the Islamic Centre, the construction of which had entered the final stage, and which was funded by the Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA)

The Minister Davutoğlu said that Turkey would continue to assist with the developmental projects in Montenegro, as well as the strengthening of religious and educational institutions of the Islamic Community.

- We have good relations with all the countries in the Balkans, and especially with Montenegro. Our relations are in constant progress in political, economic, cultural and educational sphere. The members of Islam, her, in Bar and Montenegro, are a good bridge that connects our two countries – the Minister Davutoğlu pointed out. The Vice President of the Parliament Mr Suljo Mustafić emphasised that the visit of the Minister Davutoğlu was very significant and that it confirmed, in the best possible manner, the determination of Turkey to develop good relations with Montenegro.

- Montenegro is a multi-national and multi-religious country, on its path towards the European and NATO integration. Its stability lies in the inner balance of various religions and nations. The Islamic community is the most important and the most durable institution of the contemporary Muslims, and it is very significant that you are assisting with these types of projects such as the Islamic Centre in Bar, as the greatest object of such content in Montenegro and in the region – said Mr Mustafić.

Mr Mustafić thanked the Minister for the expressed support of Turkey, which was being implemented via numerous projects in Montenegro.

- Our two countries have relations which are on the constant rise. This project and numerous others funded by TIKA all over Montenegro – schools, water supply systems, hospitals and other infrastructural objects – serve all the citizens of our country. Our economic cooperation and the increased number of Turkish investments here are also on the rise – added Mr Mustafić.

He especially pointed out the role and contribution of the Embassy of Turkey and TIKA to strengthening relations and implementation of numerous projects.

The following attended the gathering and joint prayer, Jumu'ah in the Old City of Bar: a member of the Islamic Community Mr Amer Šukurica, the Chairperson of the Committee of the Islamic Community in Bar Mr Ćazim Alković, the Deputy Chairperson Mr Kemal Zaganjor, the Chairperson of the Construction Committee Mr Bajazit Karadjuzović, the Ambassador of Turkey Mr Mehmet Niyazi Tanilir, the Director of TIKA Mr Mustafa Jazidži and other officials, as well as numerous believers.