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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 08. October 2013. 18:57

Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Branko Radulović participated in the Sixth Conference of the Speakers of the Parliaments of the Western Balkans Countries

The topic of the first session was related to the achieved results in the field of the European integration, where the Vice President Radulović shared Montenegrin experiences and the results with that regard so far

The Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Branko Radulović, professor PhD, participated today in the Sixth Conference of the Speakers of the Parliaments of the Western Balkans countries, upon the invitation of the Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary, Mr László Kövér. The Conference was also attended by the speakers of the parliaments of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia, as well as the honorary guests – the speakers of the parliaments of the Republic of Srpska, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Vojvodina. Additionally, the Conference was attended by the Ambassador of Montenegro in Hungary, Mr Mirsad Bibović.

The Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary, Mr László Kövér expressed his pleasure over the fact that the Conference was being held for the sixth time. The timeliness of this conference, according to him, was much more significant than before, owing to the positive steps of all countries of the Western Balkans in the Euro-integration. He was especially pleased with the enhanced types of regional cooperation – convinced that only by joint action and assuming joint responsibility, could we respond to the EU demands. He pointed out that diversity represented the true face of Europe, contributing to its competitiveness, and called for joint work on its preservation. In accordance with the foreign policy orientation of Hungary, he expressed strong support to all countries of the Western Balkans on their European path.

The topic of the first session was related to the achieved results in the field of the European integration, where the Vice President Radulović shared Montenegrin experiences and the results with that regard so far. He pointed out that Montenegro had institutionally begun negotiations in accordance with the new Brussels conditions, and that the accession negotiations essentially began by opening the most challenging chapters 23 and 24, which relate to judiciary and fundamental rights, and justice, freedom and security, respectively. He pointed out that two chapters relating to science and education had been officially opened and temporarily closed, as well as that the screening process for 33 negotiation chapters had been completed.

The Vice President Radulović especially reflected on the necessarily strong regional cooperation as the key condition of political stability, security and economic development of the Western Balkans. Political elites and parliaments, as he emphasised, carried the most responsibility in this process as well. He also pointed out that the regional cooperation must be established and strengthened especially in the field of valorisation of energy potentials, networking, and development of the aluminium industry, as well as building of the road infrastructure.

He pointed out that the EU interest should be two-fold, with regard to also achieving the so-called consolidation within the EU and continuation of the enlargement process for the rest of the Western Balkans Countries. The overall process, as Mr Radulović stated, should rest on the achieved results, respecting the so-called regatta accession.

The Vice President will also hold a series of bilateral meetings with the speakers of the parliaments of the countries in the region in order to promote the bilateral cooperation.

The second session will deal with the security issues of the region.