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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 01. November 2013. 16:10

Meeting Mr Mustafić – Mr Yazici – Mr Krlić

Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Suljo Mustafić recieved the Coordinator of the Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency – TIKA Mr Mustafa Yazici and Head of the Office Mr Merdan Krlić, in his cabinet today.

Vice President Mustafić highlighted the significance of TIKA, as an organisation contributing to implementation of high quality projects in Montenegro, improving the development of infrastructure, education and health institutions.

VicePresidentemphasisedthatTIKAwas supportingprojectsindifferentpartsofMontenegro, whathas been very important – being usefulforallitscitizens. .

TIKA Coordinator Mr Mustafa Yazici said that on the occasion of choosing the projects, exclusively, it was taken into account that those were long-term, self-sustainable and beneficial for the people. 

During the conversation, it was stressed that TIKA acting helped strengthening of overall relations between Montenegro and Turkey in economy, cultural and educational and political area.

Vice President pointed out that through his further suggestions and proposals, he would direct organisation towards under-developed areas where the need for investing in infrastructure, agriculture, education and sports was greater.