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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 19. December 2014. 17:34

Meeting of Vice President Mustafić with Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Suljo Mustafić met today with H.E. Mr Majid Fahim Pour, non-resident Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

- Iran was one of the first countries to recognise independence of Montenegro, thus setting the grounds for cooperation with the potential for building relations through many important institutions, including the parliament, said Mr Fahim Pour.

Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Suljo Mustafić pointed out that forming friendship groups in the two parliaments was an important prerequisite for establishing cooperation through mutual communication and visits.

At the today’s meeting it was also pointed out that Montenegro was taking the path of European and Atlantic integration, wanting to develop its society based on the rule of law, equality and stability, through achieving democratic standards.

- We think that this is very important for the Balkans, as well as for other regions in the world which have been exposed to instability in the past, pointed out Mr Mustafić.