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Wednesday, 22. January 2014. 19:18

Congratulatory message on the occasion of the Day of Journalists

President of the Parliament of Montenegro and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Mr Ranko Krivokapić congratulated all journalists, representatives of free thought and speech, 23 January – the Day of Journalists. 

 “Esteemed representatives of free thought and speech,

The heartbeat of the democracy in a country is professional and free journalism. Democracy lives and grows through the voice of journalists which is sharp and dedicated to public good.

In the process of Euro-Atlantic integration the media have a special place at the helm of our ship, the country of Montenegro, which is sailing to the port of united Europe, the Europe that keeps the heritage of the rule of law, free speech and dignified work.  

The voice of journalists should serve as a corrective of the political and social processes aimed at the truth and the right of the citizen to know. The right to information and the truth, as well as the free speech, are woven into the foundations of modern Montenegro by our Constitution, and nothing must sway them.

A country that is unable to defend free speech does not inspire faith into the human strength and dignity. It is the duty of the country to stand for decisive defence of the rights, especially those rights relating to human freedoms.

I would like to use this opportunity to thank you for your devoted desire for information and the truth, for your perseverance in public work.

On behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro and on my own behalf, I wish you a happy 23 January - the Day of Journalists.“

Mr Ranko Krivokapić