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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 05. March 2014. 15:02

President of the OSCE PA and the Parliament of Montenegro meets the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic

On day two of the official visit to the Czech Republic, President of the OSCE PA and the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić met the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic Mr Jan Hamacek, and addressed lawmakers from both houses of the Czech Parliament. 

During the meeting, which was attended by the representatives of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate of the Czech Republic and students from the Faculty of Political Scientists of Anglo-American University in Prague, Mr Krivokapić highlighted: “Historical closeness of Montenegro and Czech Republic is the best proof for a thesis that countries do not have to share boundaries in order to nourish good neighbourly relations. Czech journalists, writer, Slavic and a great admirer of Montenegro Mr Josef Holeček wrote in his book "Černa Hora“ – “Montenegro is world’s miracle. There is no example in the history of mankind that a small nation, insignificant in number, succeeded for centuries to resist attacks of thousands times more powerful enemy. A small, rocky, impoverished Montenegro has been the only one succeeding in it."

 “There is a symbolic similarity between our two countries in the recent history that shows great maturity of our societies. Velvet Revolution of 1989 and Montenegrin Referendum on independence of 2006 are the greatest accomplishments for any nation proving that independence can be achieved in a peaceful and wise way”, Mr Krivokapić said on the occasion.

Speaking of the current economic crisis, Mr Krivokapić says that vision requires strong leadership that is unthinkable without a parliamentary democracy and that leadership requires more than effective administration; it requires expert diagnosis, clearly formulated strategy and personalities who are not afraid of accepting other people's advice but also able to make independent decisions and remain persistent in their efforts because winners never give up, and those who give up easily - never win.

With regard to current political moment in Ukraine, Mr Krivokapić said: "While we were sharing views on reform of the OSCE, in Kiev - Ukraine was in the eve of bloodshed. Whoever wants to consider events in Kiev in long terms, easily will understand that Ukraine is sliding into new uncertainty. Currently, the time is not working in favor of Ukraine.  Naturally, the OSCE can play a central position in dealing with the Ukrainian crisis, bearing in mind the ramifications of its institutions, models of activities that have proven useful in similar situations: Parliamentary Assembly, high representatives, tools for conflict prevention etc. But what all these instruments need is a comprehensive plan for a permanent resolution of the Ukrainian case, which must be based on full sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. Balkan experience and the "curse of similarity" of the Yugoslav peoples are too fresh not to suggest strong fears and caution. This is a great challenge and a great opportunity for our OSCE family. "

Mr Krivokapić also met Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic Mr Jan Hamacek, agreeing with him the historically close relations between the two countries to be marked by the exhibition of art works of Mr Jaroslav Čermák in Podgorica, at the 40th anniversary of his last exhibition of 1974. Mr Krivokapić thanked to Mr Hamacek on the active engagement of Czech MPs in the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE and the support that the Czech Republic has been providing to Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Montenegro.