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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 08. April 2014. 13:41

President of the Parliament of Montenegro participates in the Conference of Speakers of European Union Parliaments in Vilnius

Mr Krivokapić stresses that the idea of European unification, which, as a project is almost with no historical precedent in history, carries itself a very important message – that without common, joint and synchronised responses and the efforts, our continent does not have great opportunities in a growing and strong global race.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić is participating in the Conference of Speakers of European Union Parliaments, which is being held in Vilnius. The Conference is devoted to topics such as: role of parliaments in facing economic and financial crises, application of Lisbon Treaty 5 years after its adoption, inter-parliamentary cooperation with countries of Eastern Partnership as well as  inter-parliamentary cooperation in the field of justice, freedom and security.

Speaking on the topic of inter-parliamentary cooperation in the field of justice, freedom and security, President Krivokapić stresses that idea of European unification, which, as a project is almost with no historical precedent in history, carries itself a very important message – that without common, joint and synchronised responses and the efforts, our continent does not have great opportunities in a growing and strong global race.

“Strengthening cohesion and  interdependence among the citizens of EU member states will strengthen the role of those institutions whose source of legitimacy are citizens themselves – namely national parliaments and European Parliament”, Mr Krivokapić said.

Mr Krivokapić noted that new institutional arrangement of the EU, founded on the Lisbon Treaty, was reflected in strengthened role of both European and national parliaments in forming and defining different policies of the Union, including those related to strengthening the rule of law and security.

In that context, he particularly emphasised the importance of establishing the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and parliamentary role in that process, which should be one of the key phases in facing the challenges of the rule of law and security.

At the end of the Conference, Speakers of European Union parliaments adopted joint resolution with harmonised positions on topics which were the subject of consideration at the gathering.

During the Conference, President Krivokapić met with President of the Hellenic Parliament Mr Evangelos Meimarakis and President of the Austrian Parliament  Ms Barbara Pramer.

Good parliamentary cooperation was noted among the Parliament of Montenegro and parliaments of Austria and Greece as well as intensive bilateral cooperation among Montenegro and these two countries.

President Krivokapić conveyed the expectation that their countries would use in the best possible manner the opportunity of presiding over the EU Council of Europe.

“These presidencies occur in a very vulnerable moment, when numerous political and security challenges, primarily determined by Ukraine crisis,  are set before the European Union”, Mr Krivokapić pointed out.