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Saturday, 20. September 2014. 11:25

Meeting Krivokapić - Pelosi

During his visit to the United States, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Ranko Krivokapić met with the leader of the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives and former Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. 

President Krivokapić thanked Pelosi on the continuity of mutual meetings dating back to 2007 at a time when she was the Speaker of the US House of Representatives. He also expressed his gratitude to the interlocutor for her strong support provided for Montenegro in implementing its strategic policy goals, notably joining NATO alliance. Both sides agreed that the process of further democratic maturation which is primarily reflected in the strengthening of the rule of law is essential for achieving a key Euro-Atlanticgoal.   

Congresswoman Pelosi was interested, during the conversation, in President Krivokapić view regarding the current security challenges, primarily the Ukrainian crisis. President Krivokapić informed about his activities during the OSCE PA chairmanship and the establishment of a dialogue between Russian and Ukrainian parliamentarians, and emphasized that with a new position in this organization he would continue to contribute to establishing trust through greater parliamentary contacts between the two delegations.

In Washington, President Krivokapić participated in the Parliamentary Intelligence - Security Forum. Forum was organized by the American Congress and on that occasion a reception for the conference participants was organized, hosted by the Speaker of the House of Representatives John Bener.

The forum, which was attended by the presidents of parliaments and parliamentarians from several European countries, discussed the mechanisms of parliamentary control over the work of the intelligence sector in the United States conducted by the Congress, as well as global security threats in light of the current developments in Syria and Iraq.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Ranko Krivokapić met in Congress with the head of the American delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Congressman Michael Turner, and thanked the Congressman for his great contribution to the establishment of Montenegro’s Caucus, which was the forerunner of the unconditional support of the US Congress for Montenegrin aspirations for membership in NATO.  

President Krivokapić met in Senate with the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Europe, Senator Christopher Murphy. Senator Murphy emphasized the importance of the next 15 months for Montenegro in fulfilling the remaining tasks in order to receive an invitation for NATO membership. He pointed out that Montenegro has shown itself as a reliable ally, also in events related to the Ukrainian crisis, thus demonstrating a sincere and partnership relation.  

In the conversation that the President Ranko Krivokapić had in Pentagon, satisfaction was expressed with the reform of the defense system and all activities that are conducted in compliance with NATO standards, so that Montenegro could better prepared wait for the act of joining the Alliance.

President Krivokapić met in the Atlantic Council with the Vice President Damon Wilson, and also attended the annual awards ceremony of the Atlantic Council, which was this year awarded to Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine.