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Skupština Crne Gore
Sunday, 16. November 2014. 11:57

Congratulatory message on the occasion of 17 November – International Students’ Day

On the occasion of 17 November – International Students’ Day, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić extended a congratulatory message to Montenegrin students in the country and abroad, President of the Student Parliament of the University of Montenegro Mr Miloš Pavićević, as well as presidents of student parliaments of the University Mediterranean and the University Donja Gorica. 

“Esteemed students – Montenegrin future,

This is the day when we remember the years 1939 and 1989 and all those who, with the strength of their youth and desire for knowledge, guarding human warmth and civic values, gave their lives for a better tomorrow, for a more just path of society. This day does not only carry within itself the anti-fascist vertical but also a message that commits the entire society to care for and protect the academic being – its future.

Montenegro needs new knowledge, skills, and energy on a daily basis. And you are the ones that will give novelty to our society and our country, and find the answers to the new challenges that are before us. Knowledge is a fortune, but also a burden – because you have the obligation to bring our society and our country, founded on knowledge and justice, into the family of European states. That historic moment is yours alone. 

It is upon our generation to make Montenegro secure in the Euro-Atlantic family, to provide you with better conditions for your further development and affirmation. It is upon the University to provide quality education with the highest standards – the system that would not make you into technocrats but the intellectuals of wide social responsibility. The state must fully dedicate itself to creating conditions for you to receive an opportunity to apply your knowledge. 

The happiness of Montenegro is measured in mind and beauty of its youth.

On behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro and on my own behalf, I wish you a happy International Students’ Day.”

Mr Ranko Krivokapić