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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 27. November 2014. 14:22

President of the Parliament of Montenegro extended a congratulatory message to RTCG regarding two important jubilees

On the occasion of 70 years since the founding of Radio and 50 years since the beginning of work of television, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić extended a congratulatory message to Director General of RTCG Mr Rade Vojvodić and all RTCG employees:


The representatives of the public word receive such power that they also need to have a responsibility towards their public work. Because, public-journalistic word often decides on human life, decides on freedom – the greatest treasure of each of us.

With that awareness you carry a great burden but also a great expectation and the need for truth, because your work should open new spaces for Montenegro. This is the moment for Montenegro, the moment for the wind in the sails of its democracy and justice on the path towards the responsible society, towards being a full-fledged member of the Euro-Atlantic Family. 

There are numerous challenges today before which you must not back down, although the times are hard. There will be no forgiveness for those who are not able to defend professionalism and expertise. The truth in tradition has been the sanctity that should not have been treaded on, and the sanctions for doing so have always been the toughest.

Radio Television of Montenegro should not be somebody’s service centre, but only and solely the service of all citizens. The Parliament of Montenegro will do everything, as the founder, to return trust in the public service.

To all former and current employees of RTCG who view professionalism and ethics as a conditio sine qua non, I would like to thank you for being on the side of public interest.

On behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro and on my own behalf, I would like to congratulate you on these two important jubilees.”

Mr Ranko Krivokapić