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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 12. January 2015. 15:41

Visit of President of the Parliament to United Arab Emirates

During the official visit, President of the Parliament of Montenegro and President Emeritus of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Mr RankoKrivokapić met President of the Federal National Council of the Parliament of the UAE Mr Mohammed Ahmed Al Murr. 

President Krivokapić and Mr Al Murr emphasised a high level of cooperation between the two countries, noting that it represented a quality ground for its further strengthening in all fields of mutual interest. President Krivokapić informed his interlocutor about political challenges that Montenegro had been facing at the moment, pointing out that joining the EU and NATO were the key challenges in the process of further democratic maturing of the country.

He said that similarity between the United Arab Emirates and Montenegro was the fact that both countries were stability factors in their regions, i.e. in the Middle East and Western Balkans, providing in that way a good example for others.

President Krivokapić stressed that the UAE was a good example of planned, long-term and sustainable economic development, which must also be the path of Montenegro.

Presidents Krivokapić and Al Murr also talked about the recent events at the global political scene in the context of growing challenges, particularly when it comes to security.

President Al Murr voiced pleasure by the previous dynamics of the talks at the high level between the two states, adding that Montenegro was the state with which the UAE wanted to continue cooperation in numerous fields.

During the meeting with Minister of Economy of the UAE Mr Saeed Al Mansoori, they spoke about actual modalities of economic connection and cooperation. Minister Al Mansoori voiced a significant interest of its country to deepen economic relation, primarily in the fields of tourism, development of small and medium enterprises as well as import of the food that the UAE needed and Montenegro had a significant potential for production.

President Krivokapić underlined that for Montenegro economic cooperation was particularly important with the country which was, in its own region and wider, a symbol of economic prosperity. “That is why Montenegro needs cooperation based on solid grounds, which will be long-term and imply sustainable projects based on the rule of law, being of interest for Montenegro and potential investors”.