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Tuesday, 10. March 2015. 13:22

President of the Parliament holds an introductory lecture at the conference “Montenegro towards NATO membership”

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić today delivered an introductory speech at the conference “Montenegro towards NATO membership”, organised by the Atlantic Council of Montenegro. The conference was attended by ambassadors of NATO member states and representatives of political parties in Montenegro. 

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić has assessed that Montenegro is on the firing line, which is a political fact, and that is not anything new for Montenegro in the last thousand years.

Montenegro was on that line at the time of division of the Roma Empire, Christianity, at the time of meeting between Islam and Christianity and when the other divisions occurred after the Second World War. To be at the meeting point of diversity is a natural state for Montenegro”, Mr Krivokapić said.

President Krivokapić says that EU and NATO cooperate not only about security matters and that that cooperation has been intensified “That is a part of value corpus that Montenegro follows”, Mr Krivokapić assessed.

"It is difficult to separate the value corpus of the EU and NATO, especially in the security sphere where the number of overlapping is remarkable, and I think that it is what Montenegrin Parliament may unify”, Mr Krivokapić noted.

“We are fighting for the values, and the form of expressing those will be best defined by time. We who know that that is the NATO, as in nineties, we believe in the strength of our projection”, Mr Ranko Krivokapić said, adding that parliamentary dialogue on that topic should be vivid and continuous.

Speaking on the conference, President Ranko Krivokapić assessed that NATO did its historic role, attracting by its strength of value, and by strength the power and arms it deterred, and kept the peace. “There is no time when we should not fight for the peace. And the best way to keep the peace is by bringing difficult decisions now in order to keep the peace in the future”.

By postponing those decisions that guarantee peace - and NATO is the decision that guarantee peace in Montenegro - we may, unconsciously and in the best intentions by those who do not see that in that manner now, jeopardise the peace in future”, Mr Krivokapić points out.

According to words of President of the Parliament Mr Krivokapić, Montenegro has been capable so far, at the great historical crossroads, even if it knelt at the moment, to return and find its place in the Alliance, and it was like that in every war.