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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 22. October 2015. 13:12

Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro holds its 143rd meeting

At its 143rd meeting held today, the Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro welcomes serious effort of the Security and Defence Committee and gives its support to conclusions proposed by the Committee regarding consideration of the Information regarding the current security situation in Montenegro.

The Collegium notes that, during the first day of the parliamentary debate regarding this topic, all representatives of all MP Groups except for one participated in the debate.

Wanting to continue further dialogue, with as broad as possible agreement of all political subjects in the Parliament, which would also contribute the agreement on all important political issues, including creation of prerequisites for timely and full implementation of election legislation as a condition for free and fair elections,

the Collegium invites to further debate in the Parliament which would follow after receiving the proposal for amendments to the Conclusions of the Committee.