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Friday, 22. January 2016. 15:17

Congratulatory message on the occasion of Montenegrin Journalists’ Day

On the occasion of 23 January - Montenegrin Journalists' Day, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić extended a congratulatory message to all journalists - representatives of the public word.

“Honourable representatives of the public word in Montenegro,

Free speech, influence on the public opinion and informing the public are some of the great privileges of social life, but also a strong obligation and responsibility. In young democracies there is a constant challenge of ensuring freedom of journalists and of creating conditions for their independent, professional and, most of all, investigative work.

The obligation of the state, of the Western democracy towards which Montenegro strives, is to create the environment for your unhindered and dignified work, to give you freedom and protect you from pressure, abuse and from all bad intentions and interests.

If that is also followed by your personal fight for credible information and if your ultimate goals are professionalism, honour and reputation, then we can be convinced that the media freedoms would live on - to be the lifeline of democracy, a corrective factor of society with a view to working in public interest.

It is up to you and up to us to create a clean media stage, decent work and life for all. That is the state interest and that is your interest and the interest of your profession.

On behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro and on my own behalf, I wish you a happy Journalists’ Day.”

Mr Ranko Krivokapić