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Wednesday, 03. February 2016. 08:25

Vice President Mustafić to meet the State Department officials in Washington today

Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Suljo Mustafić will have several meetings with the State Department officials in Washington today, to discuss social and political situation in the Balkans and Montenegro.

Mr Mustafić will meet Mr Thomas Yazdgerdi, Director of the Office of South Central European Affairs, as well as Mr Mark Norman, to discuss with him terrorism, with special focus on the Balkans.

Vice President of the Parliament will also be a guest of the State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, on which occasion he will speak with Director of the Bureau Mr Philip Kaplan.

In addition, the Vice President will discuss political and military affairs with the Head of the State Department Bureau of Political-Military Affairs Mr Brian Nilsson, while in the Office of War Crimes Issues he will meet a special coordinator for that field Mt Todd Buchwald.

In the following days, the Vice President will meet in New York and Chicago representatives of the Association of emigrants originating from Montenegro.

Upon the invitation of members of the United States Congress, Mr Mustaić attends the National Prayer Breakfast, in Washington, on 3 and 4 February, hosted by the American President Mr Barack Obama.