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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 08. April 2016. 14:54

Meeting Mr Krivokapić - Mr Pesko held

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić today received Ambassador Mr Marcel Pesko, Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre.

At the beginning of the meeting, President Krivokapić and Ambassador Pesko pointed out good cooperation between the Parliament of Montenegro and the OSCE. They also pointed out mutual willingness regarding continuation and substantial enrichment of cooperation.

For the most part, the meeting was dedicated to current political developments, Parliamentary Dialogue, i.e creation of conditions for fair and free elections. “This is a process that must be carried out by political entities and institutions of the state of Montenegro. Parliamentary elections that would decrease disputability and have a result acceptable to everyone is a goal of the entire society. The State Election Commission and all institutions in charge of monitoring the election process and prevention of electoral abuses hold great responsibility in this process”, said President Krivokapić to Mr Pesko.

Ambassador Mr Marcel Pesko said that the OSCE was following the election process in Montenegro and that it was more than willing to professionally help in strengthening capacities of institutions responsible for the election process.

During the meeting, it was estimated that Montenegro was achieving progress in various areas. They also discussed the possibility that the OSCE would support and participate in professional/advisory capacity with regard to monitoring and evaluation of work of the Public Service.