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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 08. April 2016. 16:44

President Krivokapić today receives delegation of the Parliamentary Group for Cooperation with South East Europe from the German Bundestag

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić today has received delegation of the Parliamentary Group for Cooperation with South East Europe from the German Bundestag headed by Mr Peter Weiss. 

At the beginning of the meeting, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić welcomed his guests and expressed pleasure over the process in which the cooperation between the Parliament of Montenegro and the Bundestag was being built and was progressing. Mr Peter Weiss commended President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić for initiating the Parliamentary Dialogue.

The interlocutors also discussed current political developments in Montenegro, as well as further process that was awaiting it on its European and Euro-Atlantic path.

It was estimated during the meeting that development of democracy and growth of the economy were crucial for Montenegro’s progress, and that by serious and dedicated work results could be achieved which would be constructive and prosperous for citizens of Montenegro. During the conversation, they discussed the significance of the Parliamentary Dialogue and its role in the process of democratisation of Montenegro.

The interlocutors agreed that fair and uncontested elections were the foundation upon which further progress of the society was built. Head of the Parliamentary Group Mr Peter Weiss said that he believed that political entities would do everything in their power in order for Montenegro to continue its integration and reform path resulting in the strengthening of the rule of law.