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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 08. April 2016. 20:00

Vice President Mr Simović receives a delegation of the Parliamentary Group for Cooperation with South East Europe from the German Bundestag

Potpredśednik istakao da su odnosi između dvije zemlje veoma dobri i prijateljski

Meeting of Vice President Mr Milutin Simović and a delegation of the Parliamentary Group for Cooperation with South East Europe from the German Bundestag was marked by a constructive talk. The interlocutors agreed that it was necessary to create preconditions for further intensifying of political and economic cooperation.

Vice President Mr Milutin Simović stressed that relations between the two countries were very good and friendly, and that the Federal Republic of Germany was a real friend to Montenegro, particularly having in mind the support that this country provided to political and economic reforms within Montenegro’s process of European and Euro-Atlantic integrations.

With regard to signing the Agreement, Vice President Mr Simović said that Prime Minister Mr Milo Đukanović laid the foundation for the Agreement at the sitting of 27 January when the Government gained confidence. He made a wide offer to opposition parties for entering the Government, and taking a part of responsibility for organising the forthcoming elections in Montenegro. On the occasion, he stressed that responsible political entities should responsibly approach the final phase of reaching the Agreement, and creating the ambience where the next election cycle would be completely undisputable.

In addition, he said that signing of the Agreement was an internal political need of Montenegro, not only for resolving the current but also future important political issues. He said that he was optimistic that the Agreement would be signed soon, emphasising that achieving a wide political dialogue by consensus was a good example for resolving political issues for the whole region.

The German parliamentarians expressed unequivocal willingness to support further reform and integration steps of Montenegro.