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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 08. June 2016. 17:40

President Pajović attends a ceremonious sitting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia

Law on Ratification of the Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of Montenegro adopted at the sitting

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović today attended a ceremonious sitting in the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, where the Law on Ratification of the Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of Montenegro was adopted.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Mr Miro Cerar opened the ceremonious sitting. Welcoming the Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro, he emphasised that Montenegro’s achievements in only ten years of independence were impressive in all fields, including the approach to Euro-Atlantic integration. He added that Montenegro was reliable and credible partner, which contributed to regional and international security and represented a model for other state candidates. Montenegro's membership in NATO represents an important step in strengthening stability in strategically important region.

In his closing remarks, Speaker of the Slovenian National Assembly Mr Milan Brglez said that this was Montenegro’s success and sincerely congratulated to its citizens.

President Pajović thanked to members of the National Assembly who have confirmed, by their decision, that Montenegro belonged to the West. He added that Slovenia had always been a sincere friend and from today also an ally of Montenegro. He stressed that this was a big day not only for Montenegro but for the whole region, as a message of permanent peace and stability of the Western Balkans. “For us NATO is not only political or military issue, but joining the NATO countries represents identification with the Western civilisation”. He added that in its past Montenegro was always progressive, striving to the West and Western values. Membership in NATO and later in the EU for Montenegro presented final and, as he believed, ultimate political act by which we will confirm a determination to build fair, solidary, competitive and strong society according to Western standards and principles of democracy on which the whole Western civilisation rests. As a credible and reliable partner, Montenegro has shown a political wisdom and responsibility in resolving the internal challenges at peaceful and democratic manner, he concluded.

During the meeting with President of the Republic of Slovenia Mr Borut Pahor, Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro thanked for the friendly support of the Republic of Slovenia, which stressed the importance of Montenegro’s membership in this moment at all important international addresses. The interlocutors agreed that NATO promoted democratic values and encouraged consultations and cooperation aimed at building trust and preventing conflicts and disorders. President Pajović stressed that by its last political processes and establishing the Government of electoral trust, which meant opening of the Government for the opposition, Montenegro had shown that it may resolve political challenges in its society in democratic manner, and as a responsible member.  The interlocutors expressed hope that they would soon celebrate another ratification with regard to full membership of Montenegro in NATO.

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro was composed of President Pajović and Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations Mr Miodrag Vuković.