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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 12. July 2016. 15:31

Meeting Mr Pajović - Mr Zannier

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović today received Secretary General of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mr Lamberto Zannier.

Presiden Pajović has expresses satisfaction over the fact that we can celebrate this tenth anniversary with proven friends of Montenegro - the Secretary General of the organisation which has been continuously providing help and support to democratic processes and strengthening of institutions in Montenegro.

President Pajović informed his interlocutor on the current political developments in the country, with a special reference to recently established Government of electoral trust, stressing that Montenegro had shown democratic maturity to resolve political challenges at the table.

Speaking on intensive work of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Pajović said that by assuming the office of the president he found a large number of legal acts, many of which related to our European obligations.

The interlocutors spoke on the set of laws being in the parliamentary procedure, which should contribute to organising fair and free elections, and establishing and jurisdiction of two parliamentary committees: Committee on monitoring application of laws and other regulations important for building trust in the election process and Committee on monitoring the investigation of cases of endangering security of journalists and media outlets.